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Saturday, September 15, 2007

Today is National Lymphoma Awareness Day

September 15 is National Lymphoma Awareness Day, a day I probably would not have noticed until my twin sister was diagnosed with advanced Hodgkin's Lymphoma (aka Hodgkin's Disease) in the spring of 2005. This journey has led us to experiences both of us never imagined or wanted. Be that as it may, I am grateful that my twin sister finally reached remission after two years of treatment. For us, each day is something to celebrate, enjoy and appreciate. We hold each precious day as a gift and through this gift of life, I am eager to fulfill my mission at Hope & Dreams Cancer Awareness T-Shirt Shop in special honor of my twin sister and in honor of all those afflicted with Lymphoma. To visit my shop and learn about my mission, please visit visit Hope & Dreams Cancer Awareness T-Shirt Shop at We have a wide selection of Hodgkin's Lymphoma Violet Ribbon Awareness T-Shirts and Lymphoma Awareness Lime Green Ribbon T-Shirts in addition to other unique cancer gifts to benefit lymphoma research.