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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

We're on a Violet Ribbon Awareness Mission for Hodgkin's Lymphoma!

We are on a personal mission at Hope & Dreams Cancer Awareness T-Shirt Shop to bring awareness to Hodgkin's Lymphoma with our Violet Ribbon Hodgkin's Lymphoma t-shirts. My mission started when my twin sister was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma over two years ago and was implemented earlier this year when she thankfully made it through one year of remission after a challenging syngeneic stem cell transplant. This whole experience was difficult and it personally opened up my eyes that something had to be done to bring awareness to this rare cancer -- a cancer usually deemed "easy" by those who don't know that Hodgkin's Lymphoma can be a very tricky disease to treat. And just for the record, cancer is NOT sexy. It is crazy though and damn hard. (commenting on the title only of the documentary Crazy Sexy Cancer).

As to our mission, we decided to create a squidoo page dedicated to our Violet Ribbon Hodgkin's Lymphoma T-Shirt Campaign. This shop will be all about our Hodgkin's Lymphoma T-Shirts and designs. In this new page, you will find images of our Violet Ribbon Hodgkin's Lymphoma T-shirt designs and updates. We hope you will WEAR your support to the Violet Ribbon design! We are donating the proceeds to Hodgkin's Lymphoma related charities. Thank you.
